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Submitted by data-doctor on Mon, 12/26/2022 - 14:27
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Year Created
Digital Collage
Fred Pierre
Artwork Image
Deer Park (2021)

The buddha delivered his first sermon at Deer Park in the Indian city of Sarnath. People would come to the park to feed the deer, so several deer were in attendance as the buddha spoke. Siddhartha aka Gautama's sermon is known as the first turning of the wheel and the event is symbolized in buddhist iconography by two deer regarding a golden wheel. 

In this collage, I combine aspects of Wixáritari mythology, which celebrates the deer spirit as a conduit to the divine. The Wixáritari tribe is commonly referred to as Huichol. Huichol artists are inspired to create from their dreams. Dream art is interpreted as visions of the perfect world, called Wirikúta.

The Huichol wheel of the year replaces the buddhist dharma wheel in this piece.

Available Sizes
27" x 18.2" $188