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Halim El-Dabh

Heritage Seed Co.
Stow-Munroe Falls
Public Library
Design Prototype

Data Doctor provides website services including obtaining domain names, starting a new site, designing the pages and maintaining the site. Website services are quoted based on estimated billable hours with ongoing site maintenance available by monthly or annual subscription.

Data Doctor currently maintains the following sites and pages:

Kent Natural Foods Co-op (Wordpress) since 2012

Data Doctor (Drupal) since 2022

Heritage Seed Co. (Shopify) since 2023

North Hill Community Development Corp. (Wordpress) since 2023

The Italian-American Writer's Association (Wordpress) since 2023 since 2024 (Wordpress)

Composer Halim El-Dabh 2004 / 2024 (Wordpress)

Data Doctor on facebook admin since 2016

May 4th Movement on facebook admin since 2018


Data Doctor designed the following sites, but no longer maintains them:

Great Beginnings Dentistry 2018-2019 (Wordpress)

Standing Rock Cultural Arts 2014-2021 (HTML / Webflow)

Portage Park District 2004-2005 (HTML)

Group Ten Gallery 2017-2018 (Square)

Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library 2012-2020 (Drupal)